It's almost "that time" for us gardeners!
In my area, it is generally considered safe to plant after Mother's Day (May).
But I couldn't resist picking up these wonderful seeds while I was at the supermarket yesterday.
Am busy reading about "companion planting" (more on that later, Insha Allah) and sketching the layout of my proposed garden.
Toward the end of April, I will start some of the seeds indoors on my sunporch Insha Allah.
In the meantime, I continue to roto-till ......
Asalaamu Alaikum
I planted corn once and the squirrels at all of them! They also ate the strawberries I planted. I've never tried okra though.
Okra is one of my fav veggies!! =)
Okra is one of my fav veggies!! =)
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