One of the most important duties of a Muslim prison chaplain is to correct mistakes.
Many Muslims in prison have re-verted to Islam while incarcerated. Just because they say the Shahadah doesn't mean that they are automatically a pious Muslim!
They lack basic knowledge and information about Islam. They depend upon the Muslim chaplain to provide them with correct Islamic knowledge. Often they make mistakes because they act upon information they have been given by other inmates, incorrect information, although it may have been given with sincere intention. After all, if one is taught incorrectly, they will teach others incorrectly.
Yet other inmates may have been Muslims on the "streets" but may not have been "deening" out there as they call it.
To be an effective amirah (leader), a Muslim prison chaplain must develop effective methods for correcting mistakes that do not compromise the already fragile ego of most inmates. One of the most important goals of the Muslim prison chaplain is to help and educate the incarcerated Muslim. Not to destroy or shame her.
Who better to look to for examples, no matter what the situation, than our beloved Messenger (saw)!
Sh. Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid, may Allah (swt) reward him, has written as excellent book that will help the Muslim prison chaplain. The title is
The Prophet's Methods for Correcting People's Mistakes.
His methods can also help us as individuals: parents, teachers, friends, etc.
And especially THE BLOGGER!
How many times have we gone to the comments section of someone's blog only to stumble into the flames of fitnah!
In this post, I will highlight some of the methods that the sheikh has compiled. Insha Allah you will buy his most beneficial book for your library and to obtain detailed reference from Quran and Sunnah for the methods:
1. Hastening to deal with people's mistakes and not putting that off.
2. Dealing with mistakes by explaining the ruling (hukm).
3. Referring people back to Islam when they make mistakes, and pointing out to them the principle that they are breaking.
4. Correcting misconceptions that are due to something for being clear in people's minds.
5. Dealing with mistakes by repeatedly reminding people to fear Allah.
6. Showing compassion to the one who is making a mistake.
7. Not hastening to tell someone he is wrong.
8. Remaining calm when dealing with people's mistakes.
9. Explaining the seriousness of the mistake.
10. Explaining the harmful effects of a mistake.
11. Practical teaching of the one who is making a mistake.
12. Offering a sound alternative.
13. Guiding people to what will prevent them from making mistakes.
14. Not confronting people directly with their mistakes and addressing the issue in general terms may be sufficient.
15. Provoking public opinion against the one who has made the mistake.
(Disclaimer: I would be very careful with number 15. Insha Allah when I get some more time, I will expound this method from the sheikh's references.)
16. Avoiding helping the Shaytan against the one who is making the mistake.
17. Asking the person to stop doing the wrong action.
18. Explaining to the person who is making a mistake how to put things right.
19. Denouncing only the mistake whilst accepting the rest.
20. Restoring rights and preserving positions.
21. Addressing both parties in cases where the blame is shared.
22. Asking a person to forgive the one who wronged him.
23. Reminding a person of he good qualities of the one whom he has wronged, so that he will regret what he has done and will apologize.
24. Intervening to calm people down and put an end to the fitnah (discord) between those who are making mistakes.
25. Showing one's anger about a mistake.
26. Turning away from the one who has made a mistake and avoiding argument with him, in the hope that he may come back to the right way.
27. Rebuking the one who has made a mistake.
28. Blaming the person who has made a mistake.
29. Shunning the one who has made a mistake.