I nearly gave up when a man picked up the phone. He said 'Salaamu alleikum' but spoke with a London accent. Was she married to a convert then? I was curious...
I said to Anwar, 'It's interesting about converts isn't it? What would make a Westerner become a Muslim?...I think they're brave.' (Leila Aboulela, "Minaret")
Like many new Muslims, I decided to choose a Muslim name. Although choosing a Muslim name is not a requirement for new Muslims, it is certainly an option. I began to read Islamic books so I could carefully choose a name. Since I was re-verting to Islam from Judaism, I was happy to read that our Prophet (saw) had two wives who came from Judaism: Juwariyyah and Safiyyah (ra). I decided to call myself Juwariyyah, but Alhamdulillah, I could not even pronounce my own new name! So I told all my new Muslim sisters that I was changing my name to Safiyyah. Although I can now pronounce the name Juwariyyah, I remain Safiyyah, Alhamdulillah!
and what a lovely name that is too. I once wanted to name my daughter Safiyyah, but then settled on Maseeha
I've always loved the name Safiyyah, it's the Arabic version of the name Sophie, it means wisdom.
Beautful name.
I've always loved the name Safiyyah, it's the Arabic version of the name Sophie, it means wisdom.
Beautful name!
I've always loved the name Safiyyah, it's the Arabic version of the name Sophie, it means wisdom.
Beautful name.
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